Sons of the American Legion Squadron 781 About Page

Our squadron was chartered in 1992 and currently has around 200 members.
We work closely with our Post on a number of Legion sponsored activities. These include work with our Post Boy Scout troop (#433). 2010 will be only the second year that the Post has sponsored the troop, however with our help they have completed two eagle projects and there are a number more planned for this year. We also have two members on the troop executive committee.
We also work with the Post annual fishing derby held for kids. With manpower and donations from the S.A.L., this event attracts approximately 100 kids to our pond.
We were active over the holidays, visiting veterans in our two local nursing homes. We also worked very closely with the Post to host its first Christmas party for veterans from our local Veterans Administration Center (see photo page).
We also have two roast chicken dinners during the year. These dinners are done with hickory wood on a barbeque pit built by the S.A.L. The dinners are held in May and October.
As we get closer to our events and activities, we will post dates and times, along with contacts.